Thursday, 3 November 2011

Green Certified Carpet Cleaning Services: Does it Work as Well as Chemicals?

People will often ask me for green cleaning solutions used on carpets that are safe for kids and pets. Or, they will ask if I use chemicals that are harmful to the environment. There are eco-friendly ways to clean a home and carpet cleaning is included in this routine.

Green Certified or a Green Seal is the designation most carpet cleaners will have if they purchase and use a green cleaning solution for carpets or upholstery.

There is one surefire way of determining whether or not these products are safe for kids and pets. The Food and Drug Administration has examined many of these types of products, both chemical and green, and labels them (Generally Recognized as Safe) G.R.A.S. Look for this designation on cleaning and other household products.

For effectiveness, the Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) designation shows that a 3rd party tested this product’s cleaning ability. If a professional carpet cleaner is using a green product, this is a good sign it is effective.

This article will go beyond green certification and answer some commonly asked questions about the green carpet cleaning process.

Q. How effective are green carpet cleaning services at cleaning carpets with stains and pet odor?

A. I have seen some green carpet cleaning products outperform their chemical counterparts. Many green certified carpet cleaning solutions offer special stain removers and pet odor formulas. Consumers purchasing green carpet cleaning products should be cautious because it’s common for companies that make green products to focus on the organic quality of the solution, rather than effectiveness. The only way to truly determine a product’s cleaning effectiveness is to field test it or take the word of an expert (such as a carpet cleaning service) that has utilized the product in homes and businesses.

Q. Are carpet cleaning chemicals harmful to kids and/or pets? How do we know they don’t cause harm?

A. There is some debate that household cleaners and some carpet cleaning chemicals are harmful to the environment and even those living in the home. There are many different chemical carpet cleaning solutions. Some individuals are more sensitive than others to some chemical products. There are safe, effective chemically based products in the carpet cleaning business and have been for years. Some people just prefer to go green -- and that’s their preference.

Q. What are the advantages of green carpet cleaning?

A. Green carpet cleaning doesn’t really cost that much more money. The consumer can feel good about not putting harmful chemicals into the home environment, and eventually – the bio- system. Cutting down on pollution is a main concern of many who use green products.

Q. Do people request green carpet cleaning solutions for a healthier approach to cleaning their home?

A. Some people are suffering from asthma, allergies and other lung disorders and are extra-sensitive. This group is mainly concerned about the inhalation toxicity of products that expel harmful pollutants and are breathed in from the atmosphere. Green products that are well made won’t include compounds believed to be toxic. No known carcinogens will be used in the solution, either. A low level of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) will be on the label in order to meet clean air requirements. This all adds up to a healthier choice for those affected by lung disorders.

There are a variety of reasons why consumers choose to use green carpet cleaning products in their residence. In a competitive economy, carpet cleaning companies need to keep a keen eye towards the wants and needs of their customers. Right now, eco-friendly carpet cleaning services are more popular than ever. Keeping green carpet cleaning solutions in use makes sense because using them provides the customer a sense of safety and well-being in their own home.

The Flying GEM-G: Electric Output Doubles With New Flying Design

The Flying GEM-G: Electric Output Doubles With New Flying Design

By D. Jermano

GEM-G ( Gyro Electric Maglev Generator ) has a new design option I have thought of to more than double the electrical output of production.

The earlier version I had 3 Gyro's per the stationary axel. On each Gyro I was only able to mount 8 small wind turbines, that is to afford the correct balance ratio.

In total I had 24 working Small Wind Turbines pumping out electric power as the Gyro spins.

Now I have decided I can make the Gyro Fly. By having the small wind turbines attached to some chains or cables suspended from above, and using only one Gyro, I can have 50 small wind turbines in operation.

I thought of it while visiting the Amusement Park. There is a ride that people sit on suspended chairs. The ride spins in a circle having the person in the chair fly outward in a circle.

My idea is to put the small wind turbines in place of or instead of the person.

The accompanying photo will explain it for you. See the ride and the people flying in a circle. Take out the people and have the small wind turbines attached, one can create alot of electrical output.

To address the critics: You will say that the Flying GEM-G is like attaching a battery to a generator, with the hope the generator recharges the battery. Well we know that does not work. Why because there is not enough electrical output to recharge the battery fast enough.

But if one could have more than one generator in operation, it is possible to assure that the battery has a constant steady resupply of electric going back to the battery, to be used to power the rotation.

Having at least 50 small wind turbines cranking out power, I believe can recharge the battery. I am also using the centrifugal forces to help, by allowing the electrical input into the generator to stop, allowing the Flying GEM-G to rotate on its own centrifugal forces to provide even more free electrical output.

I think at the most 5 windturbines can handle the load requirement to recharge, allowing the other 45 small wind turbines to use their output for other electrical useages... such as power the computer, the fridge, the washer, the TV. And even the Air Conditioner.

Later I will affix a maglev circular trac to up the speed availability. I can then use Jet Engine Turbines to become the Generators in producing super bullet speed electrical current.

I am please to announce this new development.

Going Green With Wind Turbines

Wind Turbine Energy: A New and Green Alternative

When people think about finding green sources of energy, they often turn to solar power. While it is true that solar energy is a clean alternative to using traditional fuels such as gas and electricity, it is not the only green option available. Wind turbine energy is method of generating energy that is not new in theory since there are many who know how to generate electricity using wind. However, wind turbine energy is still a new form of powering an entire home.

Wind Turbines vs Solar Panels

Both solar panels and wind turbines generate power that can be used as an alternative to fossil fuels. Since solar energy and power generated using wind turbines is clean and easily renewable they can both be used by people who are looking for ways to reduce their carbon foot prints by reducing the amount of fumes that are emitted into the atmosphere. It is believed that if the planet turned away from traditional forms of power such as oil and coal the greenhouse affected (the warming of the Earth's climate) could possibly be reduced.

The problem is, people who are interested in clean power do not know whether they should choose solar power or wind turbines. When making your choice think about your climate. If your home does not receive direct exposure to the sun on a regular basis, you might want to consider wind turbines. Remember, the energy stored by solar panels is depleted as electrical appliances are used, so if you are not able to constantly renew your solar energy wind turbines are the best, green, alternative.

Saving Money With Wind Turbines

The cost of installing a home wind turbine might be enough to discourage many homeowners. Since using wind turbines to fuel homes is still new, manufacturers and installation specialists have not had enough time to develop cheaper ways to build and install wind turbines. Having a wind turbine installed for private use can cost from several hundred to several thousand dollars.

The final cost is determined by the amount of energy you and your family will be using since this will influence how much power your wind turbine will need to generate. However, it is important to remember that after the wind turbine is installed you will have a limitless amount of energy at your disposal. Once a wind turbine is working you will no longer have to worry about paying monthly electricity bills which will save you thousands of dollars each year. In fact, your wind turbine should be able to pay for itself after only a year or two.

Going green is a choice that will help you and the environment. By switching to turbine fueled energy you and your family will be able to drastically decrease your monthly electricity costs. Also, switching to wind generated energy will help the environment by reducing the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere. You might also be able to further help the environment by starting a conservation trend in your neighborhood.

Will increasing energy prices pave way for a greener and a cleaner world?

In a way, increasing energy prices do ensure that the world is very much likely to propel itself towards better energy usage and low carbon economy. In fact, Mother Earth has been vociferous enough to give us ample indications of how we have endangered the delicate ecosystem and invited serious trouble for mankind. These indications have been in the form of heavy rains, heat waves, drought conditions, forests fires, floods and so on which have caused ample destruction of human life and property. These indications do imply that the changes in the climate could be the main cause of the occurrence of the extreme weather conditions.

Research and studies conducted on these climate changes reveals disturbing facts especially mankind being the main reason leading to these occurrences. Human generated greenhouse gas emissions could be the reason why we are facing water, energy and food shortages which are going to gain disastrous proportions if not tackled effectively. In all, we should move towards a low carbon economy. Coupled by the issue of increasing energy demand and fast depletion of non renewable energy resources which have led to increasing energy prices do give human beings yet another chance to improve the world’s climatic conditions.

In Europe, UK can definitely take the leading position to bring about the change by encouraging people to move towards energy which releases lower levels of carbon and reduce wastage of non renewable energy. It is time to move away from traditional or decade old boilers and opt for energy efficient A-rated boilers which reduce carbon emissions while using less energy. Microgeneration of renewable energy is the most ideal way to generate energy for personal use and also offer extra energy to the national feed and earn money as well. Solar photovoltaic panels, source heat pumps and green energy tariffs can be checked out in greater details.

British Gas is one of the leading gas suppliers has come under fire for its increasing gas prices, and large profits. But on the other hand, British Gas websaver has committed to move towards adoption of green energy resources such as energy from waste, onshore and offshore wind, biomass, micro hydro power for which huge investments are required. For tackling such projects, the need of the hour is to employ suitably educated people and provide them with suitable training which is likely to cost a lot of money.

By increasing gas prices UK, it is very much likely energy customers will become more energy conscious and use it more efficiently for they wish to lower their energy bills. They can adopt energy monitoring devices and meters such as British Gas EnergySmart which enables regular monitoring of energy consumption. British Gas energy plans viz. Future Energy and Future Energy Plus offer energy at the same prices as other regular tariffs but the energy is sourced from a renewable source and thus minimizing the carbon footprint as well. They can even opt for renewable energy and undertake concrete efforts to install solar photovoltaic panels, source heat pumps which generate energy from renewable sources and lower your carbon emissions to a great extent. Therefore, Increase in energy prices do prove to be a source of worry for some for balancing their monthly budgets but they do push them to switch over to use of energy efficient products and effective use of energy which is the need of the hour.

The Easiest and simplest option eco-friendly energy project

Alternative Green Energy Projects That You Can Do At Home

Fossil fuel consumption is quite exhaustive because it is a non-renewable energy source. But times are really changing and a good alternative green energy is needed now. There is also an increasing interest among folks who would like to try their luck in generating energy sources that are affordable, highly available and environment-friendly.

Along with it is the increasing number of alternative green energy sources that can be implemented and run at home. Some of them can be installed quickly, while others are a bit complicated. Whichever you choose, these alternative sources are there to help in reducing the dependence of humans on fossil fuel.

Here are some of the best alternative green energy projects that are good to set up at home:

DIY Solar Power

You can search for information regarding solar energy systems on the net. For those who love gadgets and show their support in environmental efforts, then green energy products are ideal for you.

Green energy products - what are they?

Green energy products or gadgets basically use natural sources of energy to power them and/or to power other products. These products are also beneficial and not just full of aesthetics, so make sure that you handle them with care.

Here are some of the green energy products that you may be interested in:

Solar laptop charger - Laptop charges usually come with long chords and adapter for the electrical outlet. It is inconvenient when you have to charge and you happen to be outdoors and beyond reach to an electrical outlet. Solar cooker - This gadget uses the same technology as the solar laptop charger and it is quite handy whenever you need it outdoors. If you love camping and hiking, it's best that you have a solar cooker to bring along. The cooker starts working upon exposure to sunlight and it can beat at electronic oven with 1000W to 12000W power.

LED flashing bike pedals - This is one of the green energy products that you can always put to the test once you're outdoors. These small LED flashing pedals may be able to save lives and prevent biking accidents at night. It generates energy by itself by harvesting and storing small amounts of energy once you start stepping on the pedals.

There are many other fun and interesting green energy products out there. If you need to invest in one, it's best that you invest on a gadget that will benefit you in the long run.

Where To Find Green Energy Sources

The message is clear regarding energy conservation and saving the environment, and it is going strong each day. Many people are now realizing the difference that they can make in contributing to help lessen the negative impacts of too much wasted water and energy.

The earth's main energy source is fossil fuel which is already depleting and should be acted upon immediately. Numerous scientists have predicted that in less than 20 years, these fossil fuels and their sources will dry out. This brought about numerous projects and researches that relate to finding and using green energy sources.

Many people have already experienced the positive effects and advantages of using solar power for the home.

Plans For Chicken Coops - For Happy, Healthy, Productive Chickens

So you fancy keeping some backyard fowl? I have to say I think that’s a terrific notion. So how to start? The most important job on your list - other than getting those lovely chickens of course - is to discover plans for chickens coops that measure up to your needs. The determining question is, what precisely are your needs?

Are you searching for chickens for personal enjoyment in a small garden? Do you want just a couple of eggs a day for you and your other half? Or enough for a bunch of folks? Do you think you might like to get a couple of different varieties of chickens? Could be you’re thinking of selling what’s left over? Maybe you’re thinking to get some chicken coop plans and create your own design of coops for sale? Not a bad idea that - plenty of individuals have done well with it.

Much to consider then. You also have to consider the space of your back yard. Fowl are quite easy to keep and don’t need huge amounts of space, but there’s a limit to how many you can get in a given plot and still keep them healthy (and productive). There are small, medium, and large plans for the chicken coops, each of which takes a certain number of chickens. Then there are stationary ones and there are the wheeled sort.

People can get very creative, taking a regular design for a chicken coop and then adding all manner of stuff until they get something that looks like a Dutch barn, or a mansion house, or a castle... all types of things. Then there are folk who don’t bother with chicken coop plans at all and just use an old shed, or even an old sedan. Rather funny some of them, and fine so long as underneath everything there is what your fowl need for good health and security.

The biggest mistake people make is building a chicken coop too small. As far as materials are concerned, there’s not a lot of difference in cost between a small coop and a medium one. If you can afford it, and you have the space, always build bigger than you think you might need. Your hens will be better for it, you’ll get more eggs and you’ll have space to expand because I’ve got to warn you, chicken keeping can get addictive!

There’s no way to provide a size for each chicken - or how many fowl you’ll need to feed a particular group of people. Some of that has got to be determined by how much you love eggs! Different fowl varieties vary in size and the number of eggs they lay. The US Department of Agriculture states that the average bird lays 260 eggs each year, but I never heard of an average chicken yet. Usually a chicken produces a single egg each day - but will often miss a day and occasionally a whole week. That doesn’t indicate there’s something out of sorts and, if you’ve got a group, you’ll never know which isn’t laying. If you’re like us, a handful of eggs a day, on and on, takes time to get through - so you’ll have plenty to share.

Sorry, got a carried away there. They are all considerations though in deciding the area of coop you need. Cash might be a factor, but you are going to be saving a good deal by building your own chicken coop so there won’t be a considerable difference unless you construct one that’s really enormous. You can always sell over-production to locals to offset money spent. Make your eggs less expensive than the nearby store and those around will normally be interested!

Let’s not forget that fixed or moveable question? The fixed one is usually going to be a more durable building. If you build it solidly it will last you longer. Doing that with a portable chicken coop can make it unnecessarily heavy - which is kind of pointless. The thing with a fixed coop is that the your ladies will eventually turn the area into a bare patch of earth. They will peck and scrape at bugs, grass and weeds until there’s nothing left. That’s not a concern for the birds, but if you want to keep the wear spread out, a mobile coop is the best option. The other thing to think about is predators. If you have large predatory animals, etc then a portable coop might be too easy for them to get at. Alternatively, if it’s an urban area, with just a handful of birds, a moveable coop can be a very nice addition to your garden.

Plenty to mull over, isn’t there. The best step now is to take your time because mistakes made in the choice, the style and the construction process are invariably expensive to alter afterwards. Read through a few websites with designs for chicken coops and choose one that looks like it supplies an amount of choice. That way you’re only Shelling out for one set of chicken coop plans that can give you a number of different sizes or appearances. You also want to make sure they’ve got material lists so that you can work things out first (planning should be done to keep costs down).

Just about anybody can build a chicken coop. It really doesn’t need a lot of knowledge, just patience and a few ordinary tools. Choosing well formed, professionally created plans for chicken coops should only cost $30 or less and you’ll have all the instructions you need to put up a home for keeping healthy, happy hens - and all the tasty new eggs you could eat!

We Can Improve Our Current Ecological Crisis By Living Green

Our world continues to deteriorate as natural cataclysms, nuclear power plant issues and general apathy evokes havoc. This earth will soon be gone unless its citizens make an effort to do something about it. There is a climbing population, there is corruption, and there is big time pollution. The best thing for people today is to turn to green living.

Many people do not actually understand what living green is all about. Anything that you do that produces a beneficial effect on the environment is green living. These are things that we must do so that the younger generation will have a healthy earth to live. The ultimate goal for green living is to have the Earth in ecological balance. Not only that, but green living cleanses the surroundings by flushing toxins out of the environment. When we decide to live green, our earth will be a better place for everyone and we can maintain it for a very long time.

Nature itself is fighting to keep its balance as it is being attacked from all sides. There are numerous places in the world where water is decreasing. Nowadays we live in a concrete jungle, with the elimination of numerous forests and trees, that there are hardly any trees or plants around. There is a great deal of pollution, and the air is so awful, that when commuting from one place to another, it is tough to travel the distance without being grimy on arrival.

Our children or grandchildren will live in a world where oil or trees don't exist anymore and the earth would fall apart. Each day, our world is slowly being obliterated but no one appears to be paying attention. Our society is being assailed by the many disturbances in the world. Our planet is struggling to deal with the ecological crisis, global recession and fiscal crisis. Each day money is being spent on frivolous things while crucial issues are being neglected. Very little money is being used on improving the health of our planet or promoting green living.

What steps do we need to take so that we are in the habit of being green. Can work together and conserve water, use less power and plant new trees. Are we making an attempt to clean up the environment for later generations? Is everyone on the planet doing their best to reduce pollution? Is the number of men and women who love green enough to protect our succeeding generations? There is not a lot of time that remains so we need to work right away to live green.

DIY Energy Savings - Quick & Easy Tips

Here are 5 things you can do to successfully reduce your home energy consumption and save money in the process courtesy of Washington Energy Services in Seattle, Washington:

1.Seal the leaks around windows and exterior doors. This is easy to do, and will help your home keep the heat in. Caulk, spray foam or use weather stripping and it will have an impact on improving your comfort and reducing utility bills. Don’t want to fuss with this – contact a handyman, or a reputable window, insulation or painting company. Many of them provide this service.

2.Fix your insulation situation. Insulation is typically the #1 way to save energy in your home. According to the Department of Energy ( “heating and cooling account for 50 to 70% of the energy used in the average American home. Inadequate insulation and air leakage are leading causes of energy waste in most homes.” And according to EnergyStar, you could “save up to 10% of your total annual energy bill” just by sealing and insulating.

3.Clean and seal heating ducts. Almost 20% of the air that moves through your duct system is lost due to leaks and poorly sealed connections. Over time, ducts can sag or collapse. Vermin and other animals can chew holes in crawl space ductwork. Ducts can also come apart at the seams. When this happens, any air that should be going to the rooms in your home is instead being wasted by ending up in your attic, your walls, or under your house. If duct tape was used on your ductwork originally, it's best to have it replaced with aluminum or foil tape. Traditional duct tape deteriorates quickly. Metal seams should be cleaned and then sealed with duct mastic, which doesn't crack. It creates a permanent seal.

4.Let your equipment breathe. Your heating and cooling systems depend on a flow of air to maximize their efficiency. Homeowners can take easy steps to help – change the furnace filter, and check for leaves/debris around an outside heat pump or air conditioner. A clogged air intake outside or dirty indoor furnace filter limits air flow to the equipment and causes it to function inefficiently. It can eventually lead to costly breakdowns and repairs. This is similar to changing the air filter in your car. Electronic filters typically need cleaning at least twice per year and paper filters need replacing. Check your product warranty for your manufacturer’s specific instructions.

5.Open those registers. Many people close floor registers to push heat into certain parts of their house. Since about the late 60's the products installed in homes have been forced air furnaces. These are designed for a specific amount of air to flow thru the furnace while operating. The ductwork is designed for this amount of air also. When air registers are closed it reduces the airflow and allows heat to buildup in the system. That heat has to go somewhere, and that somewhere is up the flue and out of your house. Closing 1 or 2 registers is fine in rooms that get too hot. Keep as many registers open as possible so your furnace can operate at maximum efficiency. This is the same for heat pumps and central air conditioning. Airflow is key to efficient heating and saving money.

Not sure where to start to make your home energy efficient? Consider a home energy audit. A certified audit uses the latest technology to analyze your house, measuring heat loss, combustion and air leakage. An audit will show you how your home uses and wastes energy. This will help you prioritize what you can do to get the most energy savings. Learn more about audits at

Energy-Saving & Environment Friendly Led Light Bulbs

Technological advancement is only possible through constant research and innovations. The latest example of such progress is the LED light bulb. Most research is carried out in order to find a way of improving the performance of an existing facility or to find a new product that will prove to be more economical and more efficient than the existing facility.

Positive Aspects of LED Light Bulbs

LED light bulbs have been developed to take the place of incandescent light bulbs or halogen light bulbs because they save energy, their efficiency is nearly double that of normal halogen bulbs and they do not have any harmful substance such as mercury. Moreover, these bulbs are environment-friendly because they can be recycled and they do not produce any heat. The durability and life expectancy of LED bulbs is in the region of 50,000 hours, which is much higher than that of the earlier bulbs. As such, once you have installed these LED light bulbs, you can forget about any cost of replacing them in the near future.

Energy-Saving Feature

The earlier incandescent or halogen light bulbs used to dissipate a large amount of energy by producing heat. This meant that the electricity bill was unnecessarily high. LED light bulbs have been created after a lot of research to eliminate the energy wasted due to heating, This has resulted in the creation of the latest innovative LED bulbs that do not produce any heat and consequently use much less energy to light up a room.

Whereas the halogen bulbs were using 85% of the electrical energy to produce heat and only the 15% balance was being used to produce light, the LED light bulbs utilize 90% of the electrical energy to produce light. Halogen bulbs were fitted with filaments through which electricity was passed in order to produce light but these filaments heat up and consume nearly 90% of the electricity for heating. In the case of LED bulbs, which use light emitting diodes for producing light, almost the entire electrical energy is converted into light energy without wasting any energy for heating. By using LED bulbs you can save 80% of your previous electricity bill. By using the LED bulbs you can make sure that you are contributing towards lessening global warming because no heating from the bulb is being dissipated into the atmosphere.

Cost Aspect

Although LED bulbs are more expensive than the halogen bulbs, it is almost a one-time expense because these bulbs have a long life, which means they do not need to be changed for a long time. The extra initial cost will easily pay for itself over the years. Moreover, since these bulbs use so little energy, they are environment friendly and do not add to pollution. The LED light bulbs have standard bulb fitting features making them convenient to install and replace anywhere.

GU10 LED Bulbs

GU10 LED bulbs are the most common replacement LED bulbs. Though they are similar to the normal LED bulbs, they have many similar LED lights placed in one fitting. GU10 LED bulbs have a specific type of fastening and in most commonwealth countries such as the UK, New Zealand and Australia; the standard fastening is the bayonet mount. These types of LED light bulbs are mostly used in offices, shops, commercial spaces and in showrooms. They are high in style and efficiency.

Waste Management and Recycling

Waste Management is the undisputed world leader in nearly all facets of waste treatment, including low-level nuclear, chemical, and asbestos cleanup; and daily garbage removal, waste reduction, and recycling. Waste Management has expanded its operations both technically and geographically, acquiring a host of sophisticated suppliers of trash-to-energy plants, pollution control equipment, and recycling services, while signing contracts with municipalities from Buenos Aires to Hong Kong. The company has frequently been attacked by governmental agencies and environmental groups for a variety of alleged failings, but its phenomenal growth and strenuous efforts in the recycling and pollution-control areas make it likely that in the future Waste Management will be perceived as a hero rather than villain by the world's increasingly polluted cities. Waste Management, it seems, is well on the way to becoming the planet's garbage collector. It was an exceedingly good time to join the waste-treatment industry. Not only was the national economy at the peak of its postwar prosperity, the U.S. consumer was just then beginning to be inundated with a wave of new packaging and convenience items designed to be used once and thrown away. The nation's production of garbage was growing much faster even than its population, and companies such as Ace Scavenger found themselves in great demand.

The company responded with characteristic energy. At each of its nine chemical dumps, WMI installed environmental-compliance officers with power to override the decisions of local plant managers. These watchdog foremen reported to WMI's new environmental-management head, Walter C. Barber, a former acting chief of the EPA. In addition, the Chemical Waste subsidiary in charge of most of the troubled sites was provided with a new president, Jerry E. Dempsey, former president of Borg-Warner Corporation. To smooth relations with Congress, WMI hired Frank B. Moore as its chief lobbyist. Moore had previously served as President Jimmy Carter's liaison officer with Congress. Finally, WMI adopted new advertising campaigns stressing the company's services on behalf of the environment and customers alike.

While such moves had not satisfied critics such as Greenpeace International, it appeared that WMI learned a lesson from its legal battles and took some pains to adopt more safety measures. As proof of its progress in these areas, WMI can point to the long-term contracts it won in the late 1980s to handle much of the waste from Portland, Oregon; and Seattle, Washington; two cities known for their strong environmental commitment. In both cases, the municipalities found that WMI's experience and resources made it the best choice for waste problems of great magnitude. Recycling is processing used materials (waste) into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials, reduce the consumption of fresh raw materials, reduce energy usage, reduce air pollution (from incineration) and water pollution (from landfilling) by reducing the need for "conventional" waste disposal, and lower greenhouse gas emissions as compared to virgin production. Recycling is a key component of modern waste reduction and is the third component of the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" waste hierarchy.

Recyclable materials include many kinds of glass, paper, metal, plastic, textiles, and electronics. Although similar in effect, the composting or other reuse of biodegradable waste – such as food or garden waste – is not typically considered recycling.Materials to be recycled are either brought to a collection center or picked up from the curbside, then sorted, cleaned, and reprocessed into new materials bound for manufacturing.

Monday, 24 October 2011

Fight Global Warming ADGRPID:|SERVTYPE: The Obagi Review Hub

Article Summary: Obagi-Nu-Derm system was created by United States dermatologist; Dr.Obagi and the system not only reduce acne formation, but also reduce scars and uneven skin tones and redness which were created by acne scars. Obagi-Nu-Derm system will restore the damaged skin by applying vitamin C, retinoic acid, chemical peels and hydroquinone in gradual steps, and it will take approximately 60 to 90 days to complete the procedure.
Obagi system has gained its popularity in the world beauty market. Aside from its complete skin care system, it has become well known for its eye and facial creams that claim to get rid of fine lines, dark circles and spots, rough skin caused by the damaging UV rays of the sun, acne and other signs of aging.

TheObagi Nu Derm system is a line of skin care products that treats many skin conditions and may also prevent occurrence of other skin problems. Obagi- Nu- Derm is used altogether as a routine system that fights acne, skin aging and some other skin related problems like skin bleaching.

The system has 7 products in it and all are designed to give major transformation to your skin. The skin is revitalized and renewed by repairing the skin cells and helps in the treatment of moderate to severe damaged skin.

The Obagi Nu Derm components sometimes need prescription if you want to use the system correctly. Still you can purchase some non prescription elements yet the system would work best if it is used altogether.

The Obagi Nu Derm is designed for skin resurfacing by using skin renewal. The treatment process will take care of your skin that will help in renewing your skin cells leaving your skin only nothing but beautiful and radiant. The Obagi Nu Derm system should be used for at least 6 weeks using it once a day so that maximum results will be observed. It is best to use the system for 3 full cycles that is 2 to 3 weeks apart during the 6 weeks.

Research on Obagi Nu Derm Clear suggests:

With the use of the Obagi Clear during the first 2 to 3 weeks several users have already experienced soreness, redness and even severe peeling. This is because of the skin renewal process taking that is taking place. The pain and redness is noticeable.

For those people who used the Obagi Nu Derm Clear without the assistance of the skin care professional was discouraged about the effects.

The use of the skin line proved that it needs assistance and side effects are also expected to occur during the whole duration of use of the product. A great deal of side effects was noted in the users review. Unexpected blisters and sores are really expected to occur. The product needs to be discussed thoroughly and medical assistance is needed. While some people may have experienced bad skin condition during the process in just a day, others have experienced it for weeks!

- Gains

- Long term results

- Products are not easily purchased and so prescription medication is needed

The Obagi Clear Cream like any other skin lightening product would work for some and would not for others. What is discouraging about the product is that even if good results will be attained thereafter-which is still unsure- pain will still be experienced throughout the process. A skin care product line does not have to do let the user go through pain and redness during the process of skin renewal to achieve a fairer skin. Still it is not even guaranteed that after what has gone through, a better looking skin will be achieved

Bridal Weight Loss Diet Tips

Article Summary: You are preparing for your wedding, but there is one difficulty. You want to look great in your bridal gown. This is when bridal weight loss plans...
Have you already tried a bridal weight loss plan? Here are some useful tips to get started.

So you have arranged a date and you are preparing for your wedding, pleasure is overtaking your life, but there is one difficulty. You really need to shed some weight to look great in that gown that you want to wear, you know, the strapless number that shows a lot of back. This is when bridal weight loss plans appear into the picture.

First of all, you ought to try to start off with any bridal weight loss plan far enough in progress to lose the amount of weight that you want to take off in a safe and sensible way. If you lose weight too quickly, it will most likely come back afterwards, and you might even gain more weight than you initially lost.

Second, don't make too many drastic modifications or go on a crash or starvation diet plan. These varieties of actions can set you up for failure, and that is the last thing you want to face when you are trying a bridal weight loss plan.

Take a look at your diet, as in what do you eat every day? You need to have a look at the food pyramid and examine the daily food consumption suggestions for your age, weight and height. Examine this to what you will need to change the food intake to for effective bridal weight loss. If you begin with these modifications far enough in advance, it will not be as tough as if you were trying to shed all the weight in just a few short days.

improve your water intake and be sure that you are consuming at least 8 glasses of drinking water each and every day. intake is very important to feel yourself energized, hydrated and to keep your body working normally. In addition, most of the time when you feel "hungry", you are in fact thirsty and must be drinking more water.

Once you have made modifications to your diet and are drinking plenty of water, the next step in bridal weight loss involves getting physical exercise. If you are not big on the exercise side of things, try joining an activity that you take pleasure in. Maybe you can join a dance course or some other group activity where you will have other people around your for moral help. If you can enlist a friend in your bridal weight loss project, then you will have someone to inspire you when the going gets tough.

The basic act of walking can be one of the most helpful exercises out there. This doesn't mean sauntering slowly, it means going for a very brisk walk for at least 30 minutes each day. If you don't like to walk, then leave your car further away from your work and force yourself to walk to work. There are a lot of ways to incorporate exercise into your busy schedule, and getting enough exercise in your bridal weight loss plan.

Home fitness equipment - Your personal gym for a health life

Article Summary: Feel more energetic and vibrant by including physical workouts in your daily regime. Learn more about home fitness equipment can help you lose weight and burn more calories.
Are you confused about where to start your weight loss journey from? You need to keep your worries aside, as effective burning of the body fat is simple and straightforward method. Just remember that you need to burn more calories than you consume to get a slim body. The extra calories can get stored in the body, if nothing is done to burn them and maintain a balance between ‘consumed' and ‘burnt' calories. You can either decrease the amount of calorie intake or increase the level of physical workouts to block these unwanted fats building up in the body. A balance of both can do wonders for your weight loss goals. Most people think that starving can help them lose weight, but in fact, it can adversely affect their health. Simply put, in order to lose weight, you need to eat healthy. Your metabolism rate can slow down, if you do not take sufficient calories to keep it running. It is important to take small meals at regular intervals by making sure that these meals do not contain foods rich in fat and sugar. You can do these things at the comfort of your home by keeping your weight loss a secret.

Fitness begins at home

One of the most important benefits of exercising is it gives an energised feeling. It is also a good way to control your weight under normal levels. You can even enhance or intensify your workouts to reap effective health benefits in a considerable amount of time. If your heart rate is around 80% of your maximum heart rate, there is an increased chance of effective fat burning. It is always better to start exercising at a low intensity and build it up gradually to gain effective results for a longer period of time. You can increase your workout intensity as and when your endurance and fitness levels improve. Weight loss can not be gained overnight. You need to stick with your fitness programs to reap benefits for long term. Weight training can help you lose weight even while you are taking rest by enhancing your metabolic rate. To burn calories effectively, your body needs more oxygen. Cardio exercises can help your body get more oxygen to achieve fat burning goals. You need to devote approximately 30 minutes from your daily routine to achieve weight loss goals. People, who are having busy schedules, can spend at least 30 minutes on home fitness equipment. High intensity workouts such as cycling, sprinting and jogging can definitely help you lose more weight. You can also take the help of Air Climber fitness stepper, in order to blast off your extra calories and achieve effective weight loss goal. You can also epitomise weight loss by interval training. In this training, you need to bring variations in your workouts by switching from low to high intensity exercises and vice versa. You can do this by walking for 2 minutes and then running for another 2 minutes. You need to repeat these exercises for about 20 to 30 minutes. Remember, regularity is the key to achieve weight loss targets. It is advisable to try at least 3-4 exercising sessions a week, in order to reap positive changes and results. Your target should be to burn around 300 calories or more. Make out the best use of exercise equipment and be regular, in order to achieve faster progress in your weight loss efforts.

Fight Global Warming ADGRPID:|SERVTYPE: What Is the Raw Food Diet and Is It Right for You?

Article Summary: The raw food diet can be a great way for you to eat healthy and maintain your weight because it consists mainly of fruits and vegetables, but it is not for everyone as some people can have side effects from it .
Today, there is a large variety of diets available for people to choose from if they are seeking a way to lose weight. Currently, one of the more popular ones out there is the raw food diet and if you are asking yourself what this diet is, you are not alone. The raw food diet is said to have many health benefits for your body as it is made up primarily of unprocessed , uncooked and organic foods. There is a chance that you have already heard about this diet and you are wondering if it is a good fit for you. If this is the case, this article will show you everything that you need to know about the diet along with some great raw food recipes that you will definitely want to experience.

Basically, if you are participating in a raw food diet, you are not allowed to eat any type of food that has been cooked above 115 degrees Fahrenheit. The reasoning behind this is that it is believed that foods that have been cooked beyond this temperature will lose their goodness. Raw foods contain living enzymes and nutrients which are very good and healthy for your body.

One of the advantages of this diet is that you are not forced to eat 100% raw foods. A lot of people choose to eat 75% raw foods and that gives them the freedom to eat other things that they enjoy. On the other hand, you are not allowed to eat animal or most dairy products.

Weight loss is not the only good thing about being on this diet as raw foods contain much less saturated fat or trans-fats than other foods which is much healthier for your body and it is mainly based on fruits and vegetables and that is good news because you can usually eat as much as you want without worrying about gaining weight.

You will also notice that you will have increased energy levels and that is always a positive thing. Raw foods are also known to aid your digestive system as well as to improve the condition of your skin. If you are one of those people who suffer from anemia, you may want to stay away from this diet . You need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of the diet and decide whether or not it is right for you.

There are several raw food recipes that are available for you to try. Smoothies are one of the best as you can blend your favorite fruits and vegetables together to make yourself a good healthy drink. The best thing about smoothies is that there are so many different combinations that you can create that you will never get bored with the same old ones. Always remember that you are not allowed to add dairy products such as yogurt to your smoothies.

Another popular recipe is that of cauliflower soup. This is great to prepare during the cold winter months. Soups are like smoothies, there are many different recipes that you can create on the raw food diet that you will never have to eat the same old ones. You can create soups with tomato and fennel or you can spice them up with parsnip. You can find a lot of good recipes to prepare by searching online for them.

If you get the craving for something sweet, you can try something like chocolate pears or dehydrated sweet potato chips. You can also try recipes like sweet potato pasta, sweet potato bread or sweet potato casserole.

These are some of the more popular recipes that are available to make while on this diet. Even though dairy products are not allowed, you can still have nut milk and herbal teas. This can prove to be a great diet, but there is a chance that you could experience some side effects from it as some people experience nausea and headaches during the first few days that they are on it. The best thing for you to do is to thoroughly research the diet and make the choice whether or not it is right for you.

I hope that you enjoyed this article and if you would like some great free information on healthy living, than please visit my eating healthy web site where you will find some great free tips to help you live a long and healthy life.

Ideas for Healthy Dinner Meals

Article Summary: You can prepare healthy dinners for you and your family if you know the right ingredients to use and how to prepare the meals so they will taste good and keep you healthy.
It is no longer a difficult choice these days to choose to prepare a healthy dinner meal for you and your family. Even if you are on a busy schedule and you find yourself with very little time to cook, there are many meals that you can create in less than twenty minutes. It makes no difference whether you are looking for a budget healthy recipe or speedy healthy recipe for dinner, here you will discover some of the best ideas.

First of all, before you begin to prepare a healthy dinner, you must have a thorough understanding of what constitutes a healthy meal. In order to have a well balanced meal, you must include whole grains, vegetables and protein. A good rule of thumb is to try to get at least five servings of fruits and vegetables each and every day. This should prove to not be a difficult task as you can include at least two to three portions of vegetables in one meal.

It is also important to have protein in your meal, but it is also a good idea to limit the amount that you eat. A lot of people end up eating much more protein in their diet than what is necessary. You should try to limit the amount of red meat that you consume to a couple of times a week. There are alternatives to meat that contain protein such as eggs and they can make you a great healthy meal.

Now that you have a good idea of the basics of a healthy diet, here are some recipes that you can try.

One of my favorite speedy health recipes for healthy cooking is that of a three bean salad. This is very popular during the summer months, but it can also be used throughout the rest of the year. It is very simple to prepare as you simply mix up all of your favorite salad ingredients in a large bowl and then you add a can of mixed beans . There are three different cans of beans that will give you a little variety to choose from. Make sure that you do not use baked beans. You need to focus on healthy beans . The great thing about this recipe is that it is very easy to make and it will last you a few days.

Another healthy recipe that will take you less than half an hour to prepare is homemade burgers. The best healthy choice to use is a good lean meat and then you can add some peppers and tomatoes and have yourself a flavorful healthy burger. They are simple to prepare as you mix up all of your ingredients and shape them into a burger. Depending on how thick you make them, they should cook in about fifteen minutes.

There are also healthy recipes that you can try if you find yourself on a tight budget. One of the ideal meals for this is an omelet. The best thing about this is that you can purchase your eggs in bulk and then add different ingredients which will make them healthier for your body. You can use omelets in combinations with other foods such as a side salad.

Lasagna is another budget conscience recipe that is always a family favorite. It is easy to make as you can buy pre-packaged sauces. If you want to save more money, you can cook it in bulk and have the leftovers the next day or you can freeze it and have it later in the month. As with the omelet, you can also serve the lasagna with a side salad to make it a more healthy meal.

Soup is also an excellent choice for a healthy and hearty meal that you can cook on a budget. The best thing about soup is that you can add all of your favorite vegetables along with a bit of onion and garlic to give it a great fuller flavor. You can add some stock to it and serve it with some whole grain rolls and this makes a perfect combination for a healthy meal.

I hope that you enjoyed this article and if you would like some more great information on healthy living, please visit my healthy eating web site where you will find some great tips to help you live a long and healthy life.